Decision items to assign

Some things that, in the IASA structure, SOMEONE has to decide, and I (HTA) am not sure where.
In the current structure, Barbara does some, I do some, the IESG does some, some just happen, and some simply aren't done.

Scheduling in general: There should be public guidelines, developed with community involvement, and then IAD gets to decide. IETF Chair needs to know what's going on.

In general - someone identifies a need or proposes a tool; IAD makes initial judgment call;

Should go into an RFP as should rather than must....?

Document development: IAD can work out documents - IAOC can publish informationals, and ask to publish BCPs (same as IAB). (strawman)

Please add more things. Or add (body) in parentheses after the item if you think the answer is obvious.

IAD related items

Leslie's notes

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