[SB] Fwd: [Dis-alle] On ontologies in biomedicine and petroleum engineering - a seminar with Barry Smith

Amund Tveit ae at amundtveit.info
Tue Sep 5 14:17:07 CEST 2006

a bit on the side, but possibly of interest. See below for info.

(open for everybody)

Amund Tveit
http://amundtveit.info/ - +47 416 26 572

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Waclaw Kusnierczyk <waku at idi.ntnu.no>
Date: Aug 21, 2006 12:08 AM
Subject: [Dis-alle] On ontologies in biomedicine and petroleum engineering -
a seminar with Barry Smith
To: dis-alle at idi.ntnu.no
Cc: Astrid Laegreid <astrid.lagreid at ntnu.no>, Øystein Nytrø <
nytroe at idi.ntnu.no>

Dear All,

I have the pleasure to invite you to a series of talks on ontologies -
the current state of the art, and principles for future developments -
that will be given by Barry Smith on 18.-19. September. The talks are
focused on issues of ontology development in two domains: biomedicine and
petroleum engineering, but the general issues discussed are relevant
in any other domain.

The schedule is detailed below. Locations and further details will be
announced at a later time. Please forward this message to everyone that
might be interested. If you have any questions, please contact me (Wacek
Kusnierczyk, waku at idi.ntnu.no, 73591875; I will not be available until 6.

## On the speaker:

Barry Smith is Julian Park Distinguished Professor of Philosophy in the
University at Buffalo (New York, USA) and Director of the Institute for
Formal Ontology and Medical Information Science in Saarbrücken, Germany.
He studied at Oxford University and at Manchester University, and has held
faculty positions in Sheffield, Manchester, Liechtenstein and Leipzig, as
well as visiting positions in Erlangen, Graz, Paris, Turku, Innsbruck,
Padua, Hamburg, Konstanz, Malta, Leiden, Vienna and Koblenz.

He is the author of some 400 scientific publications, including 15
authored or edited books, and editor of The Monist: An International
Quarterly Journal of General Philosophical Inquiry. His research has been
funded by the US, Swiss and Austrian National Science Foundations, the
Volkswagen Foundation, and the European Union. In 2002 he received in
recognition of his scientific achievements the 2.2 Million Euro Wolfgang
Paul Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_Smith_%28ontologist%29 ]

Find more about Barry Smith's research at his homepage:

## On the talks:

18.09 (Monday)

1000-1130 Clinical Coding and Terminologies: The Past and the Future

Ontologies, terminologies and coding schemes are now in common use in the
domain of medical informatics: in electronic health records, clinical
trials, epidemiological studies. We examine a representative collection of
such terminologies, and draw (somewhat sad) conclusions as to the current
state of the art.

1300-1430 A General Introduction to Biomedical Ontology

Ontologies to support scientific research and clinical medicine have special
characteristics, which we shall outline in terms of a distinction between
three levels: (1) the level of reality; (2) the level of cognitive
representations; and (3) the level of the publicly accessible
concretizations of such cognitive representations. Against this background
we shall clarify the relations between ontologies, terminologies,
information models, databases, patient records, and similar artifacts, and
we shall show how the ontologies of the future need to be constructed in
such a way as to support the research and clinical needs of the future.

1500-1630 How Ontologies Create Research Communities

We will describe the OBO Foundry, a collaborative experiment involving a
group of influential biomedical ontology developers who have agreed in
advance to the adoption of a growing set of principles specifying best
practices in ontology development. The primary goal of the Foundry is to
establish gold standard reference ontologies, one for each core domain of
biomedical science. We shall describe how this objective is already being
realized, and show how it can not only help solve familiar problems of data
retrieval and re-use in the biomedical domain, but also help to foster the
development of the powerful tools that will be needed to reason with
biomedical data in the future.

19.09 (Tuesday)

1000-1200 Critical Comments on ISO Standard 15926

The world of ontology development is full of mysteries. Recently, ISO
Standard 15926 "Lifecycle Integration of Process Plant Data Including Oil
and Gas Production Facilities", a data model initially designed 'to
support the integration and handover of large engineering artefacts', has
proposed for general use as an upper level ontology. When examined in light
of this proposal, however, ISO 15926 is seen to be marked by a series of
quite astonishing defects, which may however provide general lessons for the
developers of ontologies in the future.

1400-1530 The Nature of Disease: Future Pathways in Biomedical Ontology

Current conceptions of health and disease focus on the signs and symptoms
visible to the clinician and patient. Increasingly, however, the demands of
molecular medicine will enforce a new understanding of diseases and of their
molecular origins. We will sketch an outline of this new understanding and
of its applications in clinical informatics.

Best Regards,

Waclaw Kusnierczyk
Dept. of Information and Computer Science
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Sem Saelands vei 7, 7491 Trondheim, Norway

Office: itv303
Phone:  +47 73591875
Mail:   waku at idi.ntnu.no
Web:    http://www.idi.ntnu.no/~waku
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