[RTW] Use SIP and let's get on with it already!

Erik Lagerway erik at hookflash.com
Fri Jan 28 22:58:43 CET 2011

Come on guys, we all know SIP is bit busted but isn't it also the de-facto
standard? Yes, we can debate the pros and cons of this approach until the
cows come home but it would be really nice if we could move forward with
just one protocol (for now) that will enable immediate usage across the vast
majority of all IP networks.

A protocol that everyone already knows.

'X'oIP is finally getting close to crossing the chasm, why would we drop in
Jingle (or a completely new protocol) and prevent mass adoption sooner
rather than later, or worse create yet another silo?

Also, proposing only part of the solution will get us nowhere. Jingle might
be more monolithic but it's also not the standard. Carriers, providers,
vendors & users need this in 2011!

Btw, I agree with Adam that this is best handled in the WG but I simply
could not resist :)

<bracing for impact>

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