[RTW] For information: The W3C charter of the RTC-Web related activity there

Robin Berjon robin at robineko.com
Fri Jan 14 16:32:08 CET 2011

On Jan 14, 2011, at 16:21 , Marshall Eubanks wrote:
>> I think it bears repeating that IETF WG are supposed to make decisions by rough consensus, not votes, and 
>> WG decisions are supposed to be made / confirmed on the WG mailing list.
>> So, from the standpoint of making decisions, teleconferences are not needed. They can, however, be very useful.
> Of course, I was referring to IETF WG telechats. Dave Singer reminds me that this is a mixed list - were you referring to W3C telechats ? 

/me points at the subject line :)

W3C groups typically make use of phone conferences, but how important they are in the group's functioning depends on how the group decides to organise itself. Most groups carry out at least some minimal phone discussions, but some have none at all. As David said, despite the phone being a horrible medium for, well, pretty much anything, telcons can in fact be productive thanks to the many good tools surrounding them. Also, the rhythm they impose means that people tend to get their action items done more or less on schedule.

Robin Berjon
  robineko — hired gun, higher standards

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