Time required to write down "wisdom" (Re: "Adult supervision")

Spencer Dawkins spencer at mcsr-labs.org
Tue May 13 11:22:12 CEST 2003

Just following up to Margaret's post -

> This is related to the document editor function that I keep
> discussing in various fora...  Each document should have an
> editor who is managing the document, dealing with and resolving
> issues, etc.
> In some SDOs, this is a centralized (even paid) function.  But
> in the IETF, we have a tendency to just assume that the original
> author(s) of the document will serve in this function.  The defacto
> editor may not understand what they are being asked/expected to
> do, they have no training, no formal role definition, no tools
> to help with the job, nothing...

(Your mileage may vary, but I'm also seen some documents derailed
because of editor job changes)

One of the points that we're making in the current WG chair training (thank
Margaret) is that the decisions about who the editor is, and whether an
continues to be the editor, really are WG chair decisions, even though they
are often
defaulted to "original author, who edits forever".

One might argue that the author skills for good -00 individual submissions
even the same skills as the editor skills for good -08 working group


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