General comment on draft-ietf-problem-statement-00.txt

Keith Moore moore at
Mon Mar 3 21:08:03 CET 2003

> > indeed.  so how do we get wgs to produce production-quality output
> > and get production-quality ietf last call review?
> No doubt this is considered a heretical statement in IETF, but I don't
> believe in production quality ietf last call review.  When you ask a
> large group to do something without picking out any particular
> individual, noone has any particular incentive to volunteer. Instead,
> what you get is that a few people who really care about any particular
> issue will put in some effort and the rest will do nothing--which is
> pretty much what we have.

yup, and when you put it that way, and it's exactly what we'd expect. 
so if we want quality reviews from outside of working groups, we need to
have people whose "job" it is to do them.  we could still have last
call, of course, but we shouldn't consider that sufficient by itself.

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