MAJOR ISSUE: Causes of "problems"

Hallam-Baker, Phillip pbaker at
Fri Jul 4 12:55:19 CEST 2003

>Also, to gain consensus on a protocol it is no longer sufficient merely
>to find a way to solve the technical problems of how to represent
>the data and exchange the information.  Vendors will now insist that the
>protocol support or even mandate their business models - even when these
>contradict each other or are not in the interests of users.  

Well it is hardly surprising that companies would insist that a
protocol they are being asked to support actually support their
business model. If the IETF wants any vendor, ISP or end user to 
support the standards it suggests it had better meet their

I think what we are seeing here is projection. Replace the word 
'vendors' with 'narrow cliques persuing personal agendas' and
you describe the actions in DNSEXT to oppose DNSSEC deployment


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