ID-nits [was Re: suggestions (voting)]

Geoff Huston
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 15:50:41 +1100

ahem - topic check - Is this a problem statement?



At 07:06 PM 11/26/2002 -0600, Dean Willis wrote:
>On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 14:46, Marshall Rose wrote:
> > > My fantasy is that I could run a draft through a single tool that does
> > > all the automateable tests and sends me a report. I don't want to have
> > > to, by hand, extract the MIB from a document, clean up all the damnable
> > > ASCII page formating, and process it through smilint, then extract the
> > > bibliography, clean it up, and process that through reflint, and so on.
> > >
> > > How about a nice, simple, tagged input format that has semantic meanings
> > > like "This is a mib, check it with smilint" and "this is a normative
> > > reference, validate that the URL resolves".
> >
> > so, basically, you'd like something added to xml2rfc so that when it
> > encounters <artwork/> with a particular type that it runs a program
> > to do the validation?
> >
>That might work. Or maybe one could extend the DTD (schema maybe) to
>actually define a MIB section, and the renderers to pretty-print it.
>I think we're actually leading up to having something like a formal
>specification language that is partially verifiable as THE submission
>mechanism for IDs.