Longer or more meetings?

Margaret Wasserman mrw@windriver.com
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 06:57:29 -0500

>And as someone also said the number of *active*
>participants in any real WG is quite limited. I think it is quite possible
>that the chairs could facilitate teleconferences on a regular basis
>between these active folks without having to create design teams.
>This would also be an effective means of making progress.

I think that teleconferences might help, but large teleconferences
are expensive.  Just for a design team in which I recently participated,
I spend thousands of dollars of my "communications" budget to host our
teleconferences...  Hosting hundreds of participants on a regular
basis would break my bank.

I've heard that the IEEE has regular teleconferences for their
teams.  How are they funded?

Also, how will we train/prepare the WG chairs to run large
teleconferences?  Doing so in an effective fashion is not easy.
