Unknown text/* subtypes

Frank Ellermann nobody at xyzzy.claranet.de
Wed Jan 16 03:23:13 CET 2008

Ian Hickson wrote:
>> pre-HTML 4
> HTML5 defines processing for all versions of HTML, so that's
> taken care of too.

If you are talking about HTML5 and I'm talking about HTTPbis
we could end up in confusion - I've removed w3-archive@ from
the Cc:, the http-wg list is already archived @ W3C.

>> etc
> etc like what?

See subject, IANA has a registry of known text/* subtypes.

In theory I could start text/x-rexx if I feel that it helps
to display *.cmd REXX programs with IE6.  Some of them are
pc-multilingual-850+euro, I actually put this info in links
to these files.  I don't bother to mention ASCII.  None of
these files is Latin-1, for backwards compatibility (with
among others Netscape 3.*) I use windows-1252, explicitly.

>> I think HTTP needs its own idea of what is allowed in a
>> HTTP header.
> Sure, but that's unrelated to text/*.

Yes, it's related to the Latin-1 default in the "old" HTTP.


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