Subtag for indicating "marked" text?

John Cowan cowan at
Wed Jul 6 17:53:56 CEST 2016

Doug Ewell scripsit:

> At the very least, can we try for a shorter Description field, one which
> might fit reasonably in a list presented to users? The longer
> explanation can always go into a Comments field.

I suggest "Used to designate text with optional diacritics", and
I think it would be better to change the subtag name to "diacrit".

John Cowan        cowan at
I must confess that I have very little notion of what [s. 4 of the British
Trade Marks Act, 1938] is intended to convey, and particularly the sentence
of 253 words, as I make them, which constitutes sub-section 1.  I doubt if
the entire statute book could be successfully searched for a sentence of
equal length which is of more fuliginous obscurity. --MacKinnon LJ, 1940

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