request for subtag for Elfdalian

Michael Everson everson at
Fri Feb 19 13:18:47 CET 2016

The Language Subtag Reviewer is APPALLED at the reasons given by the 639 RA for rejection of this language. There is no question but that its linguistic features are unique in the continuum of North Germanic languages. The reasons given are poor: Two people with job tiles have essentially said “I don’t like it” and giving no linguistic argument at all. 

Perhaps we should appeal to the RA now, asking them to rescind their rejection immediately (without waiting a year) stating that to meet an important user need we WILL be forced to approve a language subtag which will ultimately lead to multiple codes for this language when a formal 639 subtag gets approved. 

In the meantime I will ask the Älvdalska Facebook group if anyone is interested in an Alice translation.

Michael Everson *

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