Registration request for new variatn subtag; Anii, Balanka

Mats Blakstad mats.gbproject at
Wed Jan 29 21:23:36 CET 2014

1. *Name of requester*: Mats Blakstad
2. *E-mail address of requester*: info @
3. *Record Requested*:

*Type*: variant
*Subtag:* anibl
*Description*: The Balanka dialect of Anii
*Prefix*: blo
*Comments*: Balanka is one of 19 Anii dialects.

4. *Intended meaning of the subtag*:
The local variety of Anii as spoken in Balanka.

5. *Reference to published description of the language (book or article)*:
Lewis, M. Paul (ed.), 2009. Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Sixteenth
edition. Dallas, Texas: SIL International.

Several publications by Deborah Morton (with online versions):

*Some general info why the tag is needed:*
We got our project translated into Anii by two students at the University
of Lomé from Balanka (In Togo). They translated it into their dialect of
the Anii language, which is the Balanka dialect. We also got our project
translated into the standard written Anii from the people behind the Anii
magazine GʊGʊ: They also helped us revise our
translation into the Balanka dialect according to the official orthography
rules. So we have now got two translations into Anii, in two dialects. One
is based on the Bassila dialect, and the other is based on the Balanka

The standardized orthography of Anii has been developed by Stefanie Zaske
and Martin Zaske (from SiL) together with the Comité du Développement de la
langue anii, members of the Commission linguistique anii, Anii writers and
literacy teachers, the team in GʊGʊ and the general population. The
orthography has the Bassila village as the reference dialect, which is
named Giseda. The main reasons is that most Anii adults can understand oral
Bassila dialect, and it is also the one spoken on the radio. However, there
are 19 Anii villages with their own distinct dialects, but the standardized
orthography is designed in such a way that nearly all of the rules can be
applied to all the dialects.

The Balanka dialect is the most southern of the Anii villages, and the one
with the strongest dialect. This is the dialect least understood by all the
other Anii. There are extensive lexical changes. There are major
differences in many aspects of morphology and syntax. Because of this it
can also be harder for people from Balanka to understand the Basilla
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