Request to register private-use variant subtags

Doug Ewell doug at
Sat Mar 31 01:51:14 CEST 2012

I don't support this, and I believe the registration of a new 'begin..end' private-use block would require a revision of BCP 47.

Addison is correct: the only use case for this appears to be to solve a transitory programming problem. The -x- mechanism exists to solve the problem of encoding language variations that don't have a registered subtag.

Private-use language, script, and region subtags (like 'qaa') weren't invented by or for BCP 47; they exist in the core standards (ISO 639, 3166, 15924) for applications that can't use the BCP 47 -x- mechanism.

Doug Ewell | Thornton, Colorado, USA | @DougEwell
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