Tagging transliterations from a specific script

Michael Everson everson at evertype.com
Thu Mar 17 00:19:30 CET 2011

On 16 Mar 2011, at 23:03, Phillips, Addison wrote:

>> No, it is the characters themselves which have RTL properties and which invoke
>> such behavioural functionality. The language tag is not the place for the
>> computer to determine that.
> Base direction is sometimes determined from language information.

In what contexts?

> The Unicode bidirectional algorithm sometimes requires this help in order to render text correctly in certain contexts. For example, we use book metadata to determine the (base) direction to set for the title and author of a book. A title (for example) containing weakly directional characters may not draw properly if the direction is set improperly.

I file book metadata when I publish my books. Where is it that I apply language tagging?

Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/

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