Proposed new variant subtag: pre1917

Avram Lyon ajlyon at
Tue Sep 14 20:47:23 CEST 2010

Dear IETF languages members,

Here are my revised and new subtag requests per the preceding discussion:

Revised subtag request:
 1. Name of requester: Avram Lyon
 2. E-mail address of requester: ajlyon at
 3. Record Requested:

    Type: variant
    Subtag: petrine
    Description: Petrine orthography
    Prefix: ru
    Comments: Russian orthography from the Petrine orthographic
reforms of 1708 to the 1917 orthographic reform

 4. Intended meaning of the subtag:
This variant subtag is intended to apply to text using orthography
that follows the Petrine orthographic reforms of 1708, but before the
1917-1918 orthographic reform developed by A.A. Shakhmatov.
 5. Reference to published description
    of the language (book or article):
Грот, Яков Карлович «Русское правописание» (1885) [Grot, Iakov
Karlovich _Russian_Orthography_ (1885)]
Декрет Наркомпроса РСФСР от 23.12.1917 года «О введении нового
правописания», published in «Газета Временного Рабочего и
Крестьянского Правительства», № 40, 23.12.1917 [Decree of the People's
Commission for Enlightenment of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist
Republic on 23 December 1917 "On the introduction of the new
orthography", published in the "Newspaper of the Temporary Workers'
and Peasants' Government", No. 40, 23 December 1917]
 6. Any other relevant information:
The decree referenced above lays out the differences between the orthography
denoted by the present subtag and the modern (post-1917) norm. The subtag does
not distinguish between orthographic variants in the intervening
years. Iakov Grot's 1885 _Russian_Orthography_ provides the first full
description of the orthography and the established norm.

New subtag request:
 1. Name of requester: Avram Lyon
 2. E-mail address of requester: ajlyon at
 3. Record Requested:

    Type: variant
    Subtag: shakhmat
    Description: Post-1917 Russian orthography
    Prefix: ru
    Comments: Russian orthography as established by the 1917/1918
orthographic reforms

 4. Intended meaning of the subtag:
This variant subtag is intended to apply to text that uses the modern
Russian orthography
introduced in 1917 and developed in part by A.A. Shakhmatov
 5. Reference to published description
    of the language (book or article):
Ушаков, Дмитрий Николаевич «Толковый словарь русского языка»
(1935-1940) [Ushakov, Dmitrii Nikolaevich
_Dictionary_of_the_Russian_Language_ (1935-1940)]
Декрет Наркомпроса РСФСР от 23.12.1917 года «О введении нового
правописания», published in «Газета Временного Рабочего и
Крестьянского Правительства», № 40, 23.12.1917 [Decree of the People's
Commission for Enlightenment of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist
Republic on 23 December 1917 "On the introduction of the new
orthography", published in the "Newspaper of the Temporary Workers'
and Peasants' Government", No. 40, 23 December 1917]
 6. Any other relevant information:
The decree referenced above lays out the differences between the
previous orthography and the modern (post-1917) norm denoted by the
present subtag. Ushakov's dictionary provides an authoritative
treatment of the orthography.

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