Missing subtags 003 and 172

Michael Everson everson at evertype.com
Fri Jul 30 19:54:37 CEST 2010

On 30 Jul 2010, at 18:13, Doug Ewell wrote:

>> There are some other codes (like 062) that we can deprecate in CLDR,
>> but not these.
> So this is just for CLDR after all.  Do you have use cases for these
> subtags *for language tagging*?

Erm, Doug? CLDR is really important. CLDR is the basis for locale choices in the Mac OS, which, as you may know, I admire. I am given to understand that it has some currency in Linux as well, and beyond that I don't know.

>> Do you really think we should drag everyone through the pain of doing
>> another RFC just to fix these two codes?
> No, I don't.  On the contrary, I don't think it is obvious that these should be "fixed."

Why not? Be specific.

> I believe the LTRU threads from 2005 will show we excluded them intentionally and with justification.  I can dig through the archives to find chapters and verses, but since the archives are available only via HTML and my saved digests (in Outlook Express format, not as easily searched as plain text) this will take some time.

I guess you've set yourself a task. 

> What I really think is that we should follow the rules we created.

It is difficult, quite honestly, how rigidity here serves the users of our subtags, though. So you should make a genuine case.

Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/

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