Proposed record for 'alalc97'

Phillips, Addison addison at
Mon Nov 30 05:06:26 CET 2009

> I am satisfied with the wording as you sent it out:

Note: the original requester needs to indicate acceptance of the change. 

(Section 3.5 says "The applicant, Language Subtag Reviewer, or others MAY submit a modified version of the completed registration form, which will be considered in lieu of the original request with the explicit approval of the applicant.")

> Type: variant
> Subtag: alalc97
> Description: ALA-LC Romanization, 1997 edition
> Added: 2009-12-09
> Comments: Romanizations recommended by the American Library
> Association
>   and the Library of Congress, in "ALA-LC Romanization Tables:
>   Transliteration Schemes for Non-Roman Scripts" (1997), ISBN
>   0-8444-0940-5.

To reiterate: I support this registration in general. This record is reasonable. However, I think that the comment rather too specific (the registration record is perfectly suitable for this information; it is available online too). If this entire text is necessary, the ISBN-13 should be used because ISBN-10 is obsolete.


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