Adding variant subtags 'aluku' and 'nduyka' and 'pamaka' for dialects

Doug Ewell doug at
Tue Aug 25 02:48:34 CEST 2009

CE Whitehead <cewcathar at hotmail dot com> wrote:

> (I do believe that it is possible to change the fields--comments, 
> description--after a record is registered?? That's what I've 
> understood.

Correct.  We have discussed this many times on this list and on LTRU.

> I think that the term 'bush' is currently not looked on as so bad?? 
> (except that some may use it to mean 'primitive' rather than simply 
> 'divorced' from some perhaps less palatable ways of life).

Considering that "Aukan" or "Busi Nenge Tongo," or whatever we elect to 
call it, is a separate language from English, I think we would be 
well-advised not to try to apply our English-based assumptions about 
what terms are and are not taboo or offensive.  I think we can safely 
rely on Pascal Vaillant to inform us about any names that CELIA may have 
identified as offensive.  If any new information turns up later, 
comments and descriptions can be changed.

Doug Ewell  *  Thornton, Colorado, USA  *  RFC 4645  *  UTN #14  ˆ

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