Adding variant subtags 'aluku' and 'nduyka' and 'pamaka' for dialects

Doug Ewell doug at
Thu Aug 20 05:39:28 CEST 2009

CE Whitehead <cewcathar at hotmail dot com> wrote:

> Hi.  I have less objection to the longer comments (although some of 
> the information is repetitive), but do object to only one dialect 
> name's being included in the description for the first two variants.

If you look at the suggested changes again, you'll see I barely cut down 
the Comments fields at all.  I moved the duplicate names into new 
Description fields, and removed some spurious commas and "the's".  The 
real change was to remove the redundant "Busi Nenge Tongo Creole" 
wording in the descriptions.  For once, I didn't just focus on making 
the comments shorter.

Doug Ewell  *  Thornton, Colorado, USA  *  RFC 4645  *  UTN #14  ˆ

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