Proposed new record and registration form for 'acad1959'

Doug Ewell doug at
Thu Sep 25 15:10:09 CEST 2008

Here is the relevant information for the Belarusian subtag as most 
recently amended.  This information may be submitted to IANA as early as 
2008-10-02 (13:10 UTC) if there is no further objection.  I apologize 
for the delay in getting this to the list as I know everyone would like 
to finish this as soon as possible.


Type: variant
Subtag: 1959acad
Description: "Academic" ("governmental") variant of Belarusian as
  codified in 1959
Added: 2008-xx-xx
Prefix: be


1. Name of requester:

Ihar Mahaniok,
Mark Davis

2. E-mail address of requester:

mahaniok at
markdavis at

3. Record Requested:

Type: variant
Subtag: 1959acad
Description: "Academic" ("governmental") variant of Belarusian as
  codified in 1959
Prefix: be

4. Intended meaning of the subtag:

To distinguish the "academic" (or "governmental") variant from the
other forms of "be" (Belarusian). Currently, that is not possible to
do, since "be" includes all varieties of Belarusian, including tarask
("classical"). The formal description of this orthography is commonly
understood by users of the orthography as having been specified in
1959; the subtag covers at least the 1959, 1985, 2007 academic
editions of the literary norm codification
specifying the orthography. This orthography is sometimes known
pejoratively as "narkamauka".

5. Reference to published description of the language (book or article):

* Правилы беларуская арфаграфии и
пунктуацыи. АН БССР, Ін-т мовазнаўства.
1959. (Pravily belaruskaja arfagrafii i punktuatsyi. Institute of
linguistics of Academy of sciences of BSSR, 1959.)

* Беларуская граматыка. У 2-х ч. / АН БССР,
Ін-т мовазнаўства імя Я. Коласа; [Рэд. М.
В. Бірыла, П. П. Шуба]. – Мн. : Навука і
тэхніка, 1985. (Belarusian grammar. In 2 volumes / Institute of
linguistics of Academy of sciences of BSSR ; Edited by M. V. Biryla
and P. P. Shuba, Minsk, Navuka i technika, 1985.)

* "Short grammar of Belarusian language", Volume 1, Minsk, 2007,
published under the auspices of Institute of linguistics. This
represents the 1985 edition, abridged and updated.

* Фанетыка беларускай літатурнай мовы /
І. Р. Бурлыка, Л. Ц. Выгонная, Г. В. Лосік,
А. І. Падлужны; Рэд. А. І. Падлужны. — Мн.:
Навука і тэхніка, 1989. — 335 с. ISBN 5-343-00292-7.
('The phonetics of the Belarusian literary language'.)

* Тлумачальны слоўнік беларускай мовы.
('Vocabulary of Belarusian language'. This is a normative vocabulary
in 5 volumes (in 1980s). There is a later edition in 1 volume, 65
thousand words, abridged and updated, published Minsk, 2005.

* [Compendium 2003] Belarusian language. Linguistic compendium —
Плотнікаў Б. А., Антанюк Л. А. Беларуская
мова. Лінгвістычны кампендыум. — Мн. :
Інтэрпрэссэрвіс, Кніжны Дом, 2003. — 672 с.
ISBN 985-482-033-5, ISBN 985-428-614-2.

* [Potekhina 2003] Studying the Belarusian in the environment of
Belarusian-Belarusian bilinguism — Е. А. Потехина
(Минск — Ольштын). Обучение
белорусскому языку в условиях
белорусско-белорусского двуязычия
(проблемы обучения белорусскому языку
как иностранному) // Исследование
славянских языков и литератур в высшей
школе: достижения и перспективы:
Информационные материалы и тезисы
докладов международной научной
конференции / Под ред. В. П. Гудкова, А. Г.
Машковой, С. С. Скорвида. — М.:
[Филологический факультет МГУ им. М. В.
Ломоносова], 2003. — 317 с. С.170—173.

* [Padluzhny 1999] Linguistical problematic in terminology —
Мовазнаўчая праблематыка ў
тэрміналогіі // Тэорыя і практыка
беларускай тэрміналогіі / Арашонкава
Г. У., Булыка А. М., Люшцік У. В., Падлужны
А. І.; Навук. рэд. А. І. Падлужны. —
Мн.:Беларуская навука, 1999. — 175 с. ISBN
985-08-0317-7. С.128—170.

* [Klimaw 2004] Клімаў І. Два стандарты
беларускай літаратурнай мовы [2004?] //
Мова і соцыум. (TERRA ALBA. Том ІІІ). Магілёў, ГА МТ

6. Any other relevant information:

In the modern Belarusian language there are two literary norms (cf.
[Compendium 2003], [Klimaw 2004]).

The "academic" (normative, literary) form, existing in a relatively
unchanged form for 75 years, is taught in the state school educational
system. This norm is used for the official and state uses of
Belarusian language. It is defined by an Institute of Linguistics of
Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Another literary norm is the "Tarashkevitsa" (also referred to as a
"classical") form, and has a registered variant in the language subtag
registry already.

The differences are mainly in the orthography, but also in morphology,
syntax, vocabulary (cf. [Klimaw 2004], [Potekhina 2003], [Padluzhny


Doug Ewell  *  Thornton, Colorado, USA  *  RFC 4645  *  UTN #14  ˆ

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