CE Whitehead cewcathar at
Wed Aug 27 18:15:21 CEST 2008

I am still not sure about having a date as part of the subtag for this variant; it depends on whether it's necessary to indicate the various reforms in spelling that occurred over time (we did not do so for tarask); but if we do, what about 1959akad or [YYYYakad] ?? Or is that too strange?  (If the speakers of Belarussian are comfortable with [YYYYakad], then I am.

We do not absolutely have to tag both variants of Belarussian.  However, doing so will clear up some ambiguity: with the addition of this subtag, internet content tagged strictly [be] will be simply incompletely tagged and could be referencing either norm; that is such content will not by default be considered the 1959 reform version (which it may not be; if may be incompletely tagged [be-tarask] content); also, if we are interested in indicating the various shifts in spelling that occurred at the different dates of the various reforms then a subtag for this variant would be very useful.

--C. E. Whitehead
cewcathar at

Michael Everson everson at
Wed Aug 27 17:13:58 CEST 2008

On 26 Aug 2008, at 11:59, Yury Tarasievich wrote:

> Michael Everson wrote:
>> But what do you do about automated spell-checking?
> About nothing. There are 3rd party module for MS Word and some sort of
> aspell dictionary, usable in linux -- both not worth much, I hear.

Well, that problem's nothing new. But then I can't even get an en-GB-
oed spell-check dictionary. When I can, I use a Canadian one, since
that's closest.

My point is that if you had a spell-check dictionary for the Academy
orthography, would you want it to be the 1959 spelling? The 1985
spelling? The 2008 spelling? And what happens when in 2022 they adopt
a modified Taraskievica and *that* becomes the "Academy" spelling?

That's why I favour YYYYacad.

>>>> In principle 1959acad, 1985acad, and 2008acad could be quite
>>>> useful in
>>>> such a context.
>>>> "Academy" by itself is too vague, and could apply to any country.
>>> But "be-academy" couldn't, right? (Yes, it's the "Institute of
>>> Linguistics of Academy of Sciences of Belarus" which the controlling
>>> body.)
>> Yes, I was trying to ask "How do you say that in Belarusian?"
> It's "Інстытут мовазна╝ства
> (Нацыянальнай) Акадэміі навук
> Беларусі".
> Right now it's reorganised as an Institute of language and literarure
> ("Інстытут мовы і літаратуры..."), actually.
> Their don't seem to have
> any official site worth to talk of. Have a look starting at
> (Academy's site).

I had been wondering whether something like movakad would do, but I
prefer YYYYacad.

Michael Everson *

YYYYacad is o.k. with me; we have 1694acad though (for academie francaise; hope this will not result in confusion)

There is also rfrm (don't like that), inst (don't like that).

I am still not sure about having a date as part of the subtag for this variant; it depends on whether it's necessary to indicate the various reforms in spelling that occurred over time (we did not do so for tarask); but if we do, what about 1959akad or [YYYYakad] ?? Or is that too strange?  (If the speakers of Belarussian are comfortable with [YYYYakad], then I am.

--C. E. Whitehead

cewcathar at

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