Suppress-Script for Korean?

CE Whitehead cewcathar at
Thu Jul 26 16:26:25 CEST 2007

>At 15:15 +0100 2007-07-25, Jon Hanna wrote:
>>Now. Whether that actually applies or not to Korean
>It does.
>Michael Everson *

Michael, are you saying then that a suppress script for kore is not 
appropriate since there is more than one writing system that a literate 
native speaker might reasonably recognize as normal??

Just want to clarify this.

--C. E. Whitehead
cewcathar at
(Myself I remember the case for belarussian where the existing standard did 
not need an additional variant subtag since in some since it was the default 
value; whereas the classical variety did need such a subtag--or else would 
be confused with the other.  Default values may be different than 
suppress-script of course, but . . . )


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