ADMIN: Civility and on-topic, please! (Re: The limit of language codes)

Stephane Bortzmeyer bortzmeyer at
Thu Feb 22 14:52:29 CET 2007

On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 12:37:12PM +0000,
 Marion Gunn <mgunn at> wrote 
 a message of 31 lines which said:

> the illogicality of the IETF stance of supporting the use of code uk
> for general purposes (in e-mail addresses, etc.)  while deprecating
> its specific use in language tags,

It is not the IETF who decided to create the Top-Level Domain ".uk"
(violating ISO 3166-1), it is IANA (Jon Postel) and it is not the IETF
which maintains it, it is the IANA (ICANN).

So, IETF can do nothing about wether or not users can "use of code uk
for general purposes (in e-mail addresses, etc.)"

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