I approve the registration of es-419 (Latin American Spanish)

Michael Everson everson at evertype.com
Mon Jun 13 11:35:55 CEST 2005


Name of requester          : Karen Broome
E-mail address of requester: karen_broome at spe.sony.com
Tag to be registered       : es-419
English name of language   : Latin American Spanish
Native name of language (transcribed into ASCII): espanol de America 
Latina, espanol latinoamericano

Reference to published description of the language (book or article):

Lipski, John M. 1994. Latin American Spanish. Addison Wesley 
Publishing  Company.

Martin, Patrice. 2005. "The Quest for El Dorado: A Single Spanish for 
All." Multilingual Computing & Technology. Vol. 12, No. 6

Any other relevant information :

It is a common business practice to localize content into a neutral 
version of Latin American Spanish to serve all or most 
Spanish-speaking regions in Latin America. This code is intended to 
identify this neutral variant of Latin American Spanish and 
distinguish it from Castilian found in Europe.

This tag is intended for use on content that has been tailored for 
Spanish audiences throughout Latin America. It is not a collection 
for all Latin American Spanish varieties; it merely indicates that 
the author made choices in vocabulary, grammar, spelling, etc. that 
would make the content reasonably acceptable to speakers of most or 
all  Latin American Spanish varieties. (This tag does not imply any 
further details regarding what those choices may have been, however.)

This tag is intended primarily for cataloguing of localized content 
and resources, rather than for specifying language preference on 
retrieval. Ideally, a system should be able to deliver content 
labelled with this tag in response to requests for any specific Latin 
American Spanish variety, including but not limited to the following:

es-AR, es-BO, es-CL, es-CO, es-CR, es-CU, es-DO, es-EC, es-FK, es-GT, 
es-HN, es-MX, es-NI, es-PA, es-PE, es-PR, es-PY, es-SV, es-UY, es-VE.

Of course, systems can also be implemented to offer this tag as a 
user-preference option, and a server should deliver content labelled 
with this tag when requested for the same. On the other hand, it is 
not valid to assume that a request for "es-americas" can be serviced 
by returning content labelled as es-AR, or es-BO, es-CL, etc.

It would be appropriate to deliver content labelled with this tag in 
response to the more generic request, "es" (cf. section 2.5 of RFC 

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