Language Identifier List Criteria

Tex Texin tex at
Tue Dec 21 18:13:01 CET 2004

To give people a clearer idea, here is my current version of Misha's q1 based
on the data I was using for the web page .
For each region code, I list the appropriate languages on that page.
(Sorry, it has a couple RFC 3066bis entries, easily removed or footnoted in the
final version).
The few 3 letter language code suggestions that were offered to me are also in
here, easily expanded or removed as people prefer.

The first entry "(none)" is the list of language codes not assigned to any
In most cases it is lack of knowledge on my part and I need to research where
they go. Feel free to email me privately the  answer and I'll update the
In some cases, it could be the answer is none. Esperanto for example.

Lines ending in "..." are continued on the next line, which begins with '"  
"   ,'.

I find this organization useful, since I can determine from the regions I might
be targeting, the languages that I need to consider. YMMV.

Suggestions welcome, although I am traveling this week and next and I may not
be able to respond quickly to mails.


Region Code: Lang1, Lang2, ...
(none): ab, ae, ak, an, av, ay, ba, bh, bi, bm...
"   "    , bo, br, bs, ce, co, cr, cu, cv, ee, eo...
"   "    , ff, fj, fy, gn, ha, ho, ht, hz, ia, ie...
"   "    , ig, ii, ik, io, iu, jv, kg, ki, kj, kr...
"   "    , ks, ku, kv, la, lb, lg, li, lu, mg, mh...
"   "    , mi, mo, my, na, nd, ne, ng, nr, nv, ny...
"   "    , oc, oj, os, pi, qu, rm, rn, rw, sc, se...
"   "    , sg, si, sm, sn, st, su, tg, tk, tl, to...
"   "    , ts, tw, ty, ug, ve, vo, wa, wo, xh, yi, yo, za, zu
AD: fr-AD
AE: ar-AE
AF: fa-AF, ps, uz-AF
AG: en-AG
AI: en-AI
AL: sq
AM: hy
AN: nl-AN
AO: pt-AO
AR: cy-AR, es-AR
AS: en-AS
AT: de-AT
AU: en-AU
AW: nl-AW
AX: sv-AX
AZ: az
BA: hr-BA, sr-BA
BB: en-BB
BD: bn-BD
BE: de-BE, en-BE, fr-BE, nl-BE
BF: fr-BF
BG: bg, tr-BG
BH: ar-BH
BI: fr-BI
BJ: fr-BJ
BM: en-BM
BN: en-BN, ms-BN
BO: es-BO
BR: pt-BR
BS: en-BS
BT: dz
BW: en-BW, tn-BW
BY: be
BZ: en-BZ
CA: en-CA, fr-CA
CD: fr-CD, ln-CD
CF: fr-CF
CG: fr-CG, ln-CG
CH: de-CH, fr-CH, it-CH
CI: fr-CI
CK: en-CK
CL: es-CL
CM: en-CM, fr-CM
CN: zh-CN, zh-Hans-CN, zh-Hant-CN
CO: es-CO
CR: es-CR
CU: es-CU
CV: pt-CV
CY: el-CY, tr-CY
CZ: cs
DE: da-DE, de-DE
DJ: aa-DJ, fr-DJ, so-DJ
DK: da-DK, de-DK
DM: en-DM
DO: es-DO
DZ: ar-DZ
EC: es-EC
EE: et
EG: ar-EG
ER: aa-ER, byn, en-ER, gez-ER, ti-ER, tig
ES: ca, es-ES, eu, gl
ET: aa-ET, am, en-ET, gez-ET, om-ET, sid, so-ET,  ti-ET, wal
FI: fi-FI, smn, sv-FI
FJ: en-FJ
FK: en-FK
FM: en-FM
FO: da-FO, fo
FR: fr-FR
GA: fr-GA
GB: cy-GB, en-GB, fr-GB, ga-GB, gd, gv, kw
GD: en-GD
GE: ka
GF: fr-GF
GH: en-GH
GI: en-GI
GL: da-GL, kl
GM: en-GM
GN: fr-GN
GP: fr-GP
GQ: es-GQ
GR: el-GR
GT: es-GT
GU: ch-GU, en-GU
GW: pt-GW
GY: en-GY
HK: en-HK, zh-Hant-HK, zh-HK
HN: es-HN
HR: hr-HR, it-HR
HT: fr-HT
HU: hu-HU
ID: id
IE: en-IE, ga-IE
IL: ar-IL, en-IL, he
IN: ar-IN, as, bn-IN, en-IN, gu, hi, kn, kok, ml...
"   "    , mr, or, pa, sa, sd-IN, ta-IN, te, ur-IN
IO: en-IO
IQ: ar-IQ
IR: fa-IR
IS: is
IT: fr-IT, it-IT
JM: en-JM
JO: ar-JO
JP: ja
KE: en-KE, om-KE, so-KE, sw-KE
KG: ky
KH: km
KI: en-KI
KM: fr-KM
KN: en-KN
KP: ko-KP
KR: ko-KR
KW: ar-KW
KY: en-KY
KZ: kk
LA: lo
LB: ar-LB, fr-LB
LC: en-LC
LI: de-LI
LR: en-LR
LS: en-LS
LT: lt
LU: de-LU, fr-LU
LV: lv
LY: ar-LY
MA: ar-MA
MC: fr-MC
MG: fr-MG
MH: en-MH
MK: mk
ML: fr-ML
MN: mn
MO: zh-Hant-MO, zh-MO
MP: ch-MP, en-MP
MQ: fr-MQ
MR: ar-MR
MS: en-MS
MT: en-MT, mt
MU: en-MU
MV: dv
MW: en-MW
MX: es-MX
MY: ms-MY
MZ: pt-MZ
NA: en-NA
NC: fr-NC
NF: en-NF
NG: en-NG
NI: es-NI
NL: nl-NL
NO: nb, nn, no
NR: en-NR
NU: en-NU
NZ: en-NZ
OM: ar-OM
PA: es-PA
PE: es-PE
PF: fr-PF
PG: en-PG
PH: en-PH
PK: en-PK, sd-PK, ur-PK
PL: pl
PM: fr-PM
PN: en-PN
PR: en-PR, es-PR
PS: ar-PS
PT: pt-PT
PW: en-PW
PY: es-PY
QA: ar-QA
RE: fr-RE
RO: ro
RU: ru-RU, tt
RW: en-RW, fr-RW
SA: ar-SA
SB: en-SB
SC: en-SC, fr-SC
SD: ar-SD
SE: fi-SE, sma, sme, sv-SE
SG: bn-SG, en-SG, ms-SG, ta-SG, zh-Hans-SG, zh-SG
SH: en-SH
SI: hu-SI, it-SI
SK: sk
SL: en-SL, sl
SM: it-SM
SO: ar-SO, en-SO, so-SO
SR: nl-SR
ST: pt-ST
SV: es-SV
SY: ar-SY, syr
SZ: en-SZ, ss-SZ
TC: en-TC
TD: ar-TD, fr-TD
TG: fr-TG
TH: th
TK: en-TK
TN: ar-TN
TO: en-TO
TR: tr-TR
TT: en-TT
TW: zh-Hant-TW, zh-TW
TZ: sw-TZ
UA: ru-UA, uk
UG: en-UG
UM: en-UM
US: en-US, es-US, haw
UY: es-UY
UZ: uz-UZ
VC: en-VC
VE: es-VE
VG: en-VG
VI: en-VI
VN: vi
VU: en-VU, fr-VU
WF: fr-WF
WS: en-WS
YE: ar-YE
YT: fr-YT
YU: sr-Cyrl-YU, sr-Latn-YU, sr-YU
ZA: af, en-ZA, ss-ZA, tn-ZA
ZM: en-ZM

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