What's the plan for ISO 639-3 and RFC 3066 ter?

John Cowan jcowan at reutershealth.com
Fri Aug 20 07:23:54 CEST 2004

Peter Constable scripsit:

> > We are eventually going to have to decide what to do about ISO 639-3.
> > Do we allow all 639-3 tags in the first place, or do we allow them
> > only as extlangs?
> I would hope that we would allow 639-3 IDs as the primary subtag, except
> perhaps in cases in which a macrolanguage ID exists and we require the
> macrolanguage ID as the primary tag and the specific lang ID as extlang.

That seems a reasonable approach to me.

> (Note, though: there's nothing in the draft for 639-3 saying that a new
> macrolang ID can't be added at any time.) 

Perhaps there should be.

> - As not every individual language is within the scope of some
> macrolanguage, it would be necessary to use collection IDs for the
> primary tag in many cases; these can be somewhat ad hoc, and as yet are
> not well documented (an issue for 639-5).

Furthermore, there is no reason to think that an individual language
will be in only one collection in future (you probably haven't gotten
to my long posting yet).

A rabbi whose congregation doesn't want         John Cowan
to drive him out of town isn't a rabbi,         http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
and a rabbi who lets them do it                 jcowan at reutershealth.com
isn't a man.    --Jewish saying                 http://www.reutershealth.com

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