Consensus Call on Latin Sharp S and Greek Final Sigma

Shawn Steele Shawn.Steele at
Tue Dec 1 03:02:30 CET 2009

On 2009/11/30 16:45, Shawn Steele wrote:
>> I agree with Mark that this is very badly worded.

> Can you propose (in your eyes) better wording?

It's easier to say it is badly worded :)  I'll try:

(1) Both characters should be PVALID, the 2003 mappings will break.
(2) The 2003 mappings MUST be applied to both characters, and both characters should be DISALLOWED.
(3) The 2003 mapping for Greek Small Letter Final Sigma MUST be applied, but not the Latin Small Letter Sharp S mapping.  The Latin Small Letter Sharp S should be PVALID.
(4) The 2003 mappings for Latin Small Letter Sharp S MUST be applied, but not the Greek Small Letter Final Sigma mapping.  The Greek Small Letter Final Sigma should be PVALID. 

There's a fundamental problem with my wording; it presumes we have to have mappings, which opens a different set of problems.  Perhaps we should start with a consensus call on mappings first:

(A) No mappings are permitted.
(B) Only ASCII case mappings are permitted.
(C) Any mapping MAY be used.
(D) Only IDNA standard mappings MAY be used, other mappings are disallowed.
(E) IDNA standard mappings SHOULD be used, other mappings are disallowed.
(F) IDNA standard mappings MUST be used, other mappings are disallowed.

That leaves open what an "IDNA standard mapping" is, however I would suggest that it be as close to IDNA2003 as possible, eg: UTR46.  Presumably if we knew mappings MUST NOT, MAY, SHOULD, or MUST be used, then we could better agree on what exactly those mappings should be.

As everyone knows already, I would prefer (F) or (E), or reluctantly (D).  IMO (A) is not practical, (B) is not internationalized, & (C) is chaos.


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