Consensus Call Tranche 8 (Character Adjustments)

Martin Duerst duerst at
Thu Oct 16 02:57:38 CEST 2008

At 02:19 08/10/16, Patrik F$BgM(Btstr$B‹N(B wrote:
>What concerns me is the current discussion.
>People are arguing strongly to listen to a ccTLD registry that uses  
>Eszett regarding approving it.
>People are arguing strongly to NOT listen to a ccTLD registry that  
>uses Jamo regarding disallowing it.

The Korean registry does NOT use Jamos.

>Sure, there is a difference between approving and disallowing,

Yes, that's really the main point. The other point, at least
for me personally, is that I was already convinced before
2003 that Eszett should be allowed.

>why should we (as in the wg) listen more to one registry than another?
>Are we trusting one more than the other?
>Do we listen more to more active people on this mailing list than  
>parties not as active?

Well, to some extent, yes, that's unavoidable. If somebody is
on the mailing list, you can ask questions back, and so on.
If nobody is on the mailing list, that's not possible.

Also, if in addition the arguments put forward indirectly contain
factual errors (such as John's claim that NFC doesn't compose Jamo
to syllables), then we start questioning the understanding on the
other side and/or the reliability of the channel.

Regards,   Martin.

#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, Assoc. Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
#-#-#       mailto:duerst at     

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