No subject

Tue Nov 18 23:43:20 CET 2008

gershayim should always occur internal to a word. If
Mati agrees with that general characterization, then I
believe the context we need to summarize in the Overview
is more constrained:

   The script of the preceding character and the subsequent
   character MUST be Hebrew.

And I think *more* constrained is good in this case, as
internal to a Hebrew word is much less likely to cause
either confusion with quotation marks or any bidi quirks.

If we agree on that more constrained statement of the
intended context, then the Rule Set itself can be
simplified to:

Rule Set:
   If Script(Before(cp)) .eq. Hebrew And
      Script(After(cp)) .eq. Hebrew Then True;

Note that with my restatement of the pseudo-code, the
edge cases of gershayim at the beginning or end of a label
will automatically be excluded, because Before(cp)
would evaluate to Undefined at the start of a label
and After(cp) would evaluate to Undefined at the end of
a label.

I believe this restatement and simplification of A.8
would be of service to the IDNA2008 users.


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