- Issuing Distribution Point

Submitted by j.onions at nexor.co.uk from host trident.nexor.co.uk ( on Tue Apr 1 15:16:34 METDST 1997 using a WWW entry form.

OID value:

OID description:
This CRL extension field identifies the CRL distribution point for this particular CRL, and indicates if the CRL is limited to revocations for end-entity certificates only, for CA-certificates only, or for a limited set of reasons only. The CRL is signed by the CRL issuer's key - CRL distribution points do not have their own key pairs. However, for a CRL distributed via the Directory, the CRL is stored in the entry of the CRL distribution point, which may not be in the directory entry of the CRL issuer.

This extension is always critical.

issuingDistributionPoint EXTENSION ::= {
	SYNTAX IssuingDistPointSyntax
	IDENTIFIED BY id-ce-issuingDistributionPoint

IssuingDistPointSyntax ::= SEQUENCE {
	distributionPoint	[0] DistributionPointName OPTIONAL,
	onlyContainsUserCerts	[1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
	onlyContainsCACerts	[2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
	onlySomeReasons		[3] ReasonFlags OPTIONAL,

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Entered: Tue Apr 1 15:16:34 METDST 1997 (not changed manually)