Document: draft-ietf-ediint-as2-17.txt From: John Loughney Date: 25 oktober 2004 Review of: MIME-based Secure Peer-to-Peer Business Data Interchange over the Internet Using HTTP AS2 draft-ietf-ediint-as2-17.txt Formatting problems are so severe, I'd recommend a revision before considering this draft. The text is somewhat dense and hard to parse, so the formatting problems really make this impossible to read. I can try to re-read the draft for technical comments and will update this review if I find anything. In summary, I'd issue a discuss on this because of formatting - I doubt this passes the ID-Nits. John Major 1) What is AS2? This needs to be explained somewhere. Questions 1) The introduction discusses the relationship of this draft to other EDI RFCs. Does this document update / obsolete any of these RFCs? If so, it should mention it explicitly. Nits 1) Header & footer on page 1 should be removed. 2) Lots of editing problems - bullet lists should be reformatted, sections should be left justified, blank lines should be inserted after section titles, ToC should list page numbers, bulleted lists have formatting problems (page 6, for example).