Document: draft-ietf-dhc-subscriber-id-06.txt Reviewer: Mark Allman Date: 18 August 2004 -06 to squeeze this out? Really? Sheesh. This i-d seems ready to publish to me. The idea seems simple and the document is clear and concise. If the document is to be revised again I would suggest a couple of nits. But, they are very much not show stoppers. Section 2: I am not exactly sure what you mean by "edge device" -- I'd add a little text around that and/or change it to something more descriptive of what is meant. Section 5: You note that there is no special additional processing for this suboption. But, that is not quite right, is it? I think there could be additional processing to look at it and use it as part of a decision function. My guess is that you mean there is no required processing. Is that it? If not, then a few more words to clarify this thought would be worthwhile. allman