Document: draft-ietf-dhc-dna-ipv4-11.txt Reviewer: John Loughney Date: 01 June 2005 Summary: Most of the comments would be good to address if you revise the draft before IESG review; otherwise I can re-review it during IESG review for the General Area. My major comments: 1) DNA WG stands for "Detecting Network Attachment", perhaps the title of this doc should use the same terms. 2) Abstract says: "The time required to detect movement (or lack of movement) ..." is a bit strange. Do you need to detect lack of movement? I would imagine detecting that the host is still attached is more relevant. 3) Should add "Link Up" to a terminology section - there was discussion of what link up means in the DNA working group, and I think that what the outcome was in that wg should apply here. 4) Page 5 says: "To improve robustness, this document suggests that hosts behave conservatively with respect to assignment of IPv4 Link-Local addresses, configuring them only in situations in which they can do .." A reference to the IPv4 Link Local document would be useful here. 5) Bottom of page 15 says: "Thus, associating to the same SSID is a necessary, but not .." I think that you mean: "Thus, associating to the same SSID is a necessity, but not .." ^^^ 6) The security considerations section is a bit worrying. I'm not sure what should be added, but I don't think there is enough guidence to implementors on how to deterimine if running DNA is safe or not. I'd probably like some short text on this.