[R-C] Welcome to RMCAT

Eggert, Lars lars at netapp.com
Sun Sep 23 09:16:46 CEST 2012

Welcome to RMCAT!

Your chairs will be Mirja and myself. A few administrative bits:

* Please start using the rmcat at ietf.org WG list for discussions. Harald's list can probably be retired at this point.

* Familiarize yourself with the final version of the charter (https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/rmcat/charter/), and esp. our first few milestones. Begin discussions on this list.

* If you are submitting IDs targeted at the WG, please name them draft-yourname-rmcat-*, so the tools will pick them up and we can track them easily. (Resubmit revisions of existing IDs under the same naming scheme. You can point out in the text which earlier ID they replace.)

* Familiarize yourself with the IETF Note Well (http://www.ietf.org/about/note-well.html). Make sure you comply with the relevant rules, especially with regards to timely IPR disclosure.

* Remember that the WG works continuously on the list year-round, and face-to-face sessions are for those high-importance issues that need the additional bandwidth available in a live setting to be resolved. This means that we'll likely cherry-pick the topics that get face-time at WG sessions - not everything being worked on on the list will need or get session time. On the flip side, it's highly unlikely that anything will get session time that isn't being discussed on the list. So: work on the list, it's the primary forum. Begin now :-)

* The ADs asked for a slot in Atlanta. We don't know yet when or how long it is. Mirja and me will begin putting a charter together based on the WG list discussions.

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