[R-C] WG Review: RTP Media Congestion Avoidance Techniques (rmcat)

Michael Welzl michawe at ifi.uio.no
Thu Sep 20 09:02:38 CEST 2012

On 19. sep. 2012, at 22:23, Mirja Kühlewind wrote:

> Hi,
>>> provide further explanations here:
>>>>    - Develop a mechanism for identifying shared bottlenecks between
>>>> groups of flows, and means to flexibly allocate their rates within the
>>>> aggregate hitting the shared bottleneck.
>> The original motivation for this was pretty simple.  If you knew two
>> flows with different elasticities were sharing a bottleneck, and seeing
>> loss, you could make the congestion reaction on the more elastic flow,
>> and leave the less elastic one untouched.
> Okay, I can understand this point. But if fact if you see congestion and you 
> are elastic (up to a certain degree), you should lower your sending rate (or 
> do whatever you can do) because there also might be other flows on the link 
> that need the bandwidth even more urgent. 

With combined congestion control, this (lowering the send rate) will happen. Consider having only one controller; then, "making the congestion reaction on the more elastic flow" translates into a change to the scheduler that takes data from application 1 and application 2 in addition to the standard congestion control reaction for what looks like one flow to the network.

(in fact, the way I envision it, this behavior would be the result of information exchange between multiple controllers).

> I guess the only case I really see is if there is not enough bandwidth for 
> both transmissions (such that both of the respective services do not work 
> proper) and you have to decide which one to kill. But that's the 
> circuit-breaker case and thus out of scope.

This sounds like a misunderstanding. I hope what I wrote above and my previous email help. Else, maybe you'd want to take a look into the list archives for more information; this has been discussed at some depth in the past. BTW, Randell Jesup has, at some point, stated that Mozilla is already using such scheduling / combined congestion control.

>>>>    - Develop techniques to detect, instrument or diagnose failing to
>>>> meet RT schedules due to failures of components outside of the charter
>>>> scope, possibly in collaboration with IPPM.
>> This was related to the "Internet suckage" metric.  I don't know of a
>> concrete proposal, but obviously things like measuring the queue and
>> the delay variation could be first cuts.
>> Basically, if you're failing to deliver interactive traffic because
>> of bufferbloat and competing flows, this would help to point the
>> finger at the guilty party, so maybe it can be fixed.
> hm, isn't this quite a topic on its own and actually might simply belong in 
> the IPPM working group at least as long if there is no very specific case why 
> something is different for RT traffic? Maybe it's not so much about the 
> measurement techniques but the way how the interpret the measured metrics 
> (when sending RT traffic)?

I think that collaboration with IPPM is indeed the right choice of words here. The techniques would have to be specific to requirements of RTP based interactive real-time media.


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