Moving the process document forward

Spencer Dawkins spencer at
Fri Sep 5 10:25:08 CEST 2003

Dear Brian,

I hope (or at least "think") we are tripping over a word or two.

> You're missing my point. The only authority that exists *today* is
> today's leadership. Nobody else but them can change things. So it
> *doesn't matter* that today's leadership is perceived by some people
> as part of the problem. There is nobody else who actually can
initiate change.

I was relatively with you down to the last two words. Do you mean

- initiate a proposal for change, or

- initiate change based on a proposal?

I think Jeanette is talking about the process for initiating a
proposal for change.

[deleted down to]

> I want to see these design teams next week, not next year!

That would be lovely...


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