Maturing [Re: Time required to write down "wisdom" ...]

Keith Moore moore at
Thu May 15 14:18:53 CEST 2003

> Let's take as an example the recent site-local discussion.
> IPv6 has some chance today, because it was published
> as a Proposed Standard quite a while ago.
> Imagine the chance it would have, if the site-local discussion
> would have prevented publication until, say, 2003.

and imagine how much better IPv6's chances for success would have been
at if we had actually considered the implications of scoped addresses
before we declared IPv6 suitable for Proposed Standard.

had we held up declaring IPv6 as a proposed standard until the scoped
address problem was understood, it would have been dealt with long
before now.  as it turned out, declaring IPv6 suitable for PS status had
the effect of sweeping serious problems under the rug for several years,
and it's much harder to fix those problems now.

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