Selecting leadership, take 2

Jari Arkko
Sat, 07 Dec 2002 20:42:01 +0200

Margaret Wasserman wrote:

> While I agree that there are some serious problems, I would advocate
> a slow, iterative approach to solving them.  I'd like to see us do
> the following:

I agree 100% with the iterative approach. I also like your list
below. I'm not so sure about the "slow" part. What does "slow"
mean to you? I believe there are a few improvements we could make
even within the next few months... perhaps something about more
work per unit of wall time in the WGs, better communication about
policies that IAB or IESG has on e.g. extensibility, maybe introducing
a culture where WGs need to track their progress in more detail than
"we are not yet done", and so on.

>         - Identify and _prioritize_ the most obvious or serious
>                 problems
>         - Pick one or two top priority problems to attempt
>                 to solve in the first round of changes
>         - Analyze the chosen problems, and determine possible
>                 causes
>         - Propose and discuss possible solutions
>         - Analyze the solutions and choose which to implement
>                 and how to implement them
>         - Implement the chosen solutions, including careful
>                 communication of any changes to the whole
>                 IETF, training folks as appropriate, etc.
>         - Wait to see what works and what doesn't work
>         - Repeat as necessary
> We do need to take action to make things better, but we also need to
> do it in a way that won't disrupt all of our ongoing work or destroy
> the things that we like about working here.

