To: Subject: Registration of media type application/urc-pret+xml Type name: application Subtype name: urc-pret+xml Required parameters: none Optional parameters: charset parameter (see definition of this parameter for application/xml, RFC 3023) Encoding considerations: Same as encoding considerations of application/xml as specified in RFC 3023. Security considerations: All of the security considerations described in section 10 of RFC 3023. The general utility of this media type to the Internet community is in the area of remote user interfaces for devices and services that use Internet-based technologies, in particular the Universal Remote Console (URC) technology (ISO/IEC 24752). A Presentation Template contains information for a URC client on how to build a user interface based on a User Interface Socket. Interoperability considerations: Same as interoperability considerations of text/xml as specified in RFC 3023. Published specification: ISO/IEC 24752-3:2008 Applications that use this media type: Universal Remote Console clients, i.e. software and hardware for the purpose of remote control of devices and services. Additional information: Magic number(s): Same as magic number(s) of text/xml as specified in RFC 3023. File extension(s): .pret Macintosh file type code(s): Person & email address to contact for further information: Gottfried Zimmermann Intended usage: COMMON Restrictions on usage: none Author: ISO/IEC 24752-3 is an international standard by ISO/IEC JTC1 SC35, and was edited by: Gottfried Zimmermann Change controller: ISO/IEC JTC1 SC35 and its working group 8 have change control over ISO/IEC 24752-3.