Registration of media type application/calendar+xml

Phillip Hallam-Baker hallam at
Fri Sep 10 18:39:57 CEST 2010

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 10:48 AM,
<ned+ietf at<ned%2Bietf at>
> wrote:

> Even if XML-specific tools like stylesheets prove less than useful in
> performing manipulations of calendar data, there's still significant
> benefit
> associated with being able to use built in parsing capbilities, espcially
> when
> those capabilites are nicely tied to automatic creation of complex data
> stuctures in various languages.

What many XML-haters do not understand is that the syntax is designed to
completely automate the process of writing the parser and the backing data

Starting with an XML Schema definition I can generate the corresponding data
structures automatically with one mouse click together with the
corresponding parser/serializer calls.

Starting from an EBNF description, I have to first read the description.
This has already taken more time than working with the XML version would.

I then have to work out if the grammar is an FSM or LR(1) or something else.
When I was a grad student I used to write yacc parsers but these days I have
written enough parser generators that I can actually hand code quicker than
it takes me working round the peculiarities of yacc.

So what takes me no time at all with XML is likely to take a couple of days
and considerably more skill with EBNF.

Of course this approach works best in modern languages like Java and C# but
I have generated similar tools for C and I am pretty sure the same tools
exist for objective C. Its going to suck somewhat if you are coding in
FORTRAN or Pascal.

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