Proposal to register application/vnd.dia+xml

Ron Wilson wilsonronl at
Tue Jun 23 19:22:10 CEST 2009

I am proposing to register application/vnd.dia+xml as the media type
for diagrams created by Dia, a diagramming tool hosted at

I have made multiple attempts to contact the lead developer of Dia,
have received no response, so I am advancing this proposal myself for
the benefit of both the Dia project and its users (which included me).

Proposed media type: application/vnd.dia+xml

The Dia file format is based on XML, so all considerations regarding XML apply.

Is this the best media type to use? I chose this because the similar
application, Visio, appears to have registered application/vnd.visio

Please comment.

If there are no objections, I will prepare and submit the registration request.

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