specific media-types for MathML3 ?

Ned Freed ned.freed at mrochek.com
Thu Apr 9 17:35:45 CEST 2009

> The Expert Reviewer for mime type registrations is Ned Freed, so he has
> the last say.

That's correct for types registered through the IANA process. Since these types
appear to be the standards tree (no vnd. or prs. prefix), that requires IESG
processing, which is not my baliwick.

FWIW, in the case of IANA registered types, my job is to apply the criteria
spelled out in the relevant registration procedures. AFAIK there isn't a lot of
guidance in there as to when it's appropriate to use multiple types versus,
say, a single parameterized type. So, absent a clear indication that what's
happening are multiple types being defined for the same thing, I would allow
all three types to be registered. But as I said, these are standards tree
registrations so it isn't my call in any case.

> My personal opinion is that either one or three types should be fine,
> and that probably the WG has the most expertise to decide this, but
> that you should really consider what others on this list
> (in particular Mark) said.

Mark's point was, as I recall, the presence of +mathml in the type name. That
is indeed somewhat problematic and I would ask it to be changed if I were the
reviwer. A -xmathml+xml suffix would be fine though.


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