Review requested: audio/atrac3 media type registration

Mark Baker distobj at
Wed Feb 27 14:01:04 CET 2008


On 2/27/08, actech <actech at> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
>  We think it is very useful that the all of decoding parameters
>  are available before decoding, without any parsing of payload data.
>  For example, if the receiver has only 48000Hz D/A clock, the
>  receiver can activate sampling rate converter before 44100Hz decoding,
>  or send back decoder capability(refusal of 44100Hz streaming) to
>  sender side in SDP offer-answer exchange.
>  In addition, we made a discuss with AVT chair that also ATRAC3
>  media type registration should have a bit-rate parameter
>  even if it can be only 44100, considering the consistency
>  that ATRAC-X and ATRAC Advanced Lossless media type have
>  bit-rate parameter.

Ok, so there seems to be some kind of generic processing model here.
Can you describe how that works?  I ask because I'm trying to figure
out a) how a recipient should interpret the content when either a
required parameter is missing or ATRAC3 content is transferred with an
ATRAC media type, and b) if the generic processing model is of a
variety that might benefit from a "+atrac" extension on media type
names similar to "+xml" for XML content.

Keep in mind I know nothing about audio formats.


Mark Baker.  Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.
Coactus; Web-inspired integration strategies

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