SVG12: charset parameter for image/svg+xml

Bjoern Hoehrmann derhoermi at
Mon Nov 1 22:41:36 CET 2004

* Chris Lilley wrote:
>>>BH> The W3C Markup Validator considers resources such as
>>>BH>   Content-Type: image/svg+xml;charset=iso-8859-1
>>>BH>   <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
>>>BH>   ...
>>>BH> ISO-8859-1 encoded.
>>>Yes, there are two inconsistent pieces of metadata and the markup
>>>validator correctly applies the rules to determine which to use.
>BH> What makes you think there is inconsistent metadata here?
>The encoding is declared in two places, and they are different. One is
>the charset parameter, and one is the xml encoding declaration.

Why does the charset parameter in the example above declare an encoding?
>From it should
be clear that the is no charset parameter and it thus cannot have such
semantics, so there is no inconsistency here.

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