Registration request for Pahawh Hmong Final Version orthography

Michael Everson everson at
Wed Dec 21 18:50:40 CET 2016

1. Name of requester: Michael Everson
2. E-mail address of requester: everson @
3. Record Requested: 

Type: variant
Subtag: pahawh4
Description: Pahawh Hmong Final Version orthography
Prefix: mww
Prefix: hnj

4. Intended meaning of the subtag:
Pahawh Hmong Final Version orthography, called Pahawh Tsa (Phajhauj Txha)

5. Reference to published description of the language (book or article):

Smalley, William A, Chia Koua Vang, Gnia Yee Yang. Mother of writing: The Origin and Development of a Hmong Messianic script. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-76286-6, 0-226-76287-4

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