Review periods

Michael Everson everson at
Fri Apr 17 16:14:01 CEST 2015

On 17 Apr 2015, at 01:34, Peter Constable <petercon at> wrote:

> I understand that the review period for "colb1945" (#5 in the list below) is extended to April 23. And I understand that Michael closed on deprecation of "en-GB-oed" (#2), though I haven't seen closure on the pre-requisite registration of "oxendict" (#1).
> What is the status of #1, #3 and #4?
> 1. Addition of 'oxendict' with Prefix "en" (April 10)

That was approved.

> 2. Deprecation of "en-GB-oed" with Preferred-Value "en-GB-oxendict" 
> (April 17)

That was approved.

> 3. Addition of 'abl1943' currently with Prefix "pt" (April 10)

João said it made no sense for this not to be pt-BR. So this is still open pending clarification. Doug, where’s the current form for this?

> 4. Addition of 'ao1990' currently with Prefixes "pt-BR", "pt-CV", "pt-PT" (April 10)

Doug, where’s the current form for this?

And yes, folks, the giant meta-discussion about subtags in general has made it so I don’t know where the relevant mails are. 

> 5. Addition of 'colb1945' currently with Prefix "pt" (April 17)

This has had two better sources added and is extended. (The same should probably happen to #3 and #4.) But João was of the opinion that this should have the same prefixes as ao1990; I don’t see why it should, though.

Michael Everson *

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