Variant subtag proposals for Romansh

Philip Newton philip.newton at
Sat Jun 12 11:38:16 CEST 2010

This email message includes several registration forms, all dealing
with Romansh; I hope this is acceptable. If not, I'll re-submit them
as separate messages.

I would like to add a "Suppress-Script: Latn" field to the existing
language subtag as well as register new variant subtags for varieties
of the Romansh language.

For what it's worth, I have discussed these additions with the Lia
Rumantscha and have received a go-head from them. They also suggested
a couple of changes to my initial idea, specifically in the names of a
couple of the subtags; the names of the subtags that I am presenting
here are their suggestions. They were also kind enough to supply
references (to dictionaries and/or grammars) for most of the subtags.

Disclaimer: their explicit imprimatur is restricted to the number of
subtags, their names, and the Prefix: and Suppress-Script: values; the
Description: and Comments: fields have not been explicitly agreed on.
(However, since those are not normative and can be changed, I trust
this will not be a problem.)

A comment on Jauer: there are, of course, many different dialects and
subdialects in the various valleys, towns, and villages, which
correspond more or less well to the written standard used in a given
area, and which are usually not written. Of these, only Jauer, the
dialect of the Val Müstair in the east, has been proposed for
encoding, because it is referred to most often in descriptions of
Romansh. (Perhaps because it is the only major valley not to have a
written standard derived from the local speech.)

Other regional or local varieties, such as tuatschin, lumnezian,
bivian, bargunsegner, or the surses and sotses varieties of surmiran,
may be registered later if the need for them is felt.

Philip Newton


   1. Name of requester: Philip Newton
   2. E-mail address of requester: philip.newton at
   3. Record Requested:

      Type: language
      Subtag: rm
      Description: Romansh
      Suppress-Script: Latn

   4. Intended meaning of the subtag: Romansh language
   5. Reference to published description
      of the language (book or article):
   6. Any other relevant information:
        This request merely updates the existing record for the "rm"
language subtag (added 2005-10-16) to include a "Suppress-Script"


   1. Name of requester: Philip Newton
   2. E-mail address of requester: philip.newton at
   3. Record Requested:

      Type: variant
      Subtag: rumgr
      Description: Rumantsch Grischun
      Prefix: rm
      Comments: Supraregional Romansh written standard

   4. Intended meaning of the subtag:

         "Rumantsch Grischun", the supraregional written standard of
the Romansh language.

   5. Reference to published description
      of the language (book or article):

        -- Pledari grond online (, banca
da datas linguisticas, Lia Rumantscha, 2010ss. (vegn actualisà

        -- Renzo Caduff/Uorschla N. Caprez/Georges Darms, Grammatica
per l’instrucziun dal rumantsch grischun, Seminari da rumantsch da
l’Universitad da Friburg, versiun curregida, 2009

   6. Any other relevant information:

        Pledari Grond is the big electronic dictionary (rm <-> de)
provided online by the Lia Rumantscha, together with a linguistic
database, which is continually updated.

        The Romansh language is pluricentric; there have traditionally
been five written standards, called "idioms", roughly representing the
major dialect groups. The "Rumantsch Grischun" standard was introduced
in 1982 as a supraregional written standard for the entire Romansh
language. It is the form used, for example, by the Swiss government as
well as by the canton of Graubünden in material aimed at all Romansh
speakers. Other organisations, such as town or county administrations
or schools, may also use this standard form.


   1. Name of requester: Philip Newton
   2. E-mail address of requester: philip.newton at
   3. Record Requested:

      Type: variant
      Subtag: sursilv
      Description: Sursilvan idiom of Romansh
      Prefix: rm
      Comments: Sursilvan is one of the five traditional written
standards or "idioms" of the Romansh language.

   4. Intended meaning of the subtag:

        The Sursilvan written standard of the Romansh language,
especially as used to represent the dialects of the valley of the
Anterior Rhine; or the spoken dialects typically represented in
writing by this standard.

   5. Reference to published description
      of the language (book or article):

        -- Alexi Decurtins, Niev Vocabulari Romontsch Sursilvan –
Tudestg, Legat Anton Cadonau, Societad Retorumantscha, Societad per la
perscrutaziun da la cultura grischuna, Chur 2001.

        -- Arnold Spescha, Grammatica sursilvana, Casa editura per
mieds d’instrucziun, Cuera 1989

   6. Any other relevant information:


   1. Name of requester: Philip Newton
   2. E-mail address of requester: philip.newton at
   3. Record Requested:

      Type: variant
      Subtag: sutsilv
      Description: Sutsilvan idiom of Romansh
      Prefix: rm
      Comments: Sutsilvan is one of the five traditional written
standards or "idioms" of the Romansh language.

   4. Intended meaning of the subtag:

        The Sutsilvan written standard of the Romansh language,
especially as used to represent the dialects of the valley of the
Posterior Rhine as well as of the Schams and Heinzenberg regions of
Graubünden; or the spoken dialects typically represented in writing by
this standard.

   5. Reference to published description
      of the language (book or article):

        -- Pledari sutsilvan-tudestg, tudestg-sutsilvan,
Lehrmittelverlag  des Kantons Graubünden, Chur 2002 (redacziùn:
Wolfgang Eichenhofer)

   6. Any other relevant information:


   1. Name of requester: Philip Newton
   2. E-mail address of requester: philip.newton at
   3. Record Requested:

      Type: variant
      Subtag: surmiran
      Description: Surmiran idiom of Romansh
      Prefix: rm
      Comments: Surmiran is one of the five traditional written
standards or "idioms" of the Romansh language.

   4. Intended meaning of the subtag:

        The Surmiran written standard of the Romansh language,
especially as used to represent the dialects of the valleys of the
Julia and Albula; or the spoken dialects typically represented in
writing by this standard.

   5. Reference to published description
      of the language (book or article):

        --  Vocabulari – Wörterbuch surmiran - tudestg/deutsch -
surmiran, Lehrmittelverlag des Kantons Graubünden, Chur 1999
(redactour responsabel: Faust Signorell)

        -- Normas Surmiranas, Grammatica rumantscha digl idiom da Sur-
e Sotses, Tgesa editoura cantunala per stampats e meds d'instrucziun,
Coira 1987.

   6. Any other relevant information:


   1. Name of requester: Philip Newton
   2. E-mail address of requester: philip.newton at
   3. Record Requested:

      Type: variant
      Subtag: puter
      Description: Puter idiom of Romansh
      Prefix: rm
      Comments: Puter is one of the five traditional written standards
or "idioms" of the Romansh language.

   4. Intended meaning of the subtag:

        The Puter written standard of the Romansh language, especially
as used to represent the dialects of the Upper Engadine as well as of
part of the Albula valley; or the spoken dialects typically
represented in writing by this standard.

   5. Reference to published description
      of the language (book or article):

        -- Dicziunari – Wörterbuch puter - tudas-ch/tudas-ch – puter,
3. ediziun revaisa, Meds d’instrucziun dal Grischun, Cuira 2007

        -- Gian Paul Ganzoni, Grammatica Ladina, Grammatica
sistematica dal rumauntsch d’Engiadin’Ota per scolars e creschieus da
lingua rumauntscha e tudas-cha, Uniun dals Grischs e Lia Rumauntscha,

   6. Any other relevant information:


   1. Name of requester: Philip Newton
   2. E-mail address of requester: philip.newton at
   3. Record Requested:

      Type: variant
      Subtag: vallader
      Description: Vallader idiom of Romansh
      Prefix: rm
      Comments: Vallader is one of the five traditional written
standards or "idioms" of the Romansh language.

   4. Intended meaning of the subtag:

        The Vallader written standard of the Romansh language,
especially as used to represent the dialects of the Lower Engadine and
as used traditionally as the written standard in the Val Müstair; or
the spoken dialects of the Lower Engadine typically represented in
writing by this standard.

   5. Reference to published description
      of the language (book or article):

        -- Jachen Curdin Arquint, Vierv ladin, Grammatica elementara
dal rumantsch d’Engiadina bassa,  Lia Rumantscha 1964.

        -- Gian Paul Ganzoni, Grammatica Ladina, Grammatica
sistematica dal rumantsch d’Engiadina Bassa per scolars e creschütsd
da lingua rumantscha e francesa, Uniun dals Grischs e Lia Rumantscha,

        -- Dicziunari – Wörterbuch vallader – tudais-ch /tudais-ch –
vallader, Lehrmittelverlag des Kantons Graubünden, Chur 2003.

   6. Any other relevant information:

        The dialect of the Val Müstair does not have a standardised
written form. Even though the dialects of Romansh spoken there
exhibits some differences from the dialect of the Lower Engadine, it
was the Vallader written standard, derived from (sub)dialects of the
Lower Engadine, that was traditionally used in the Val Müstair, and
that was taught in schools there.

        Recently, the Rumantsch Grischun supraregional standard has
started to be used in schools in Val Müstair. They were among the
first school districts to make use of Rumantsch Grischun in their
instruction; perhaps because the inhabitants were already accustomed
to making use of a written standard that did not correspond as well to
their spoken dialects.

        Texts written in the Vallader standard, whether by a Lower
Engadine writer or one from the Val Müstair, can be tagged with
rm-vallader. In the opinion of the submitter, the spoken varieties of
the Lower Engadine can also appropriately be tagged rm-vallder;
however, spoken varieties of the Val Müstair are better tagged
rm-jauer (q.v.).


   1. Name of requester: Philip Newton
   2. E-mail address of requester: philip.newton at
   3. Record Requested:

      Type: variant
      Subtag: jauer
      Description: Jauer dialect of Romansh
      Prefix: rm
      Comments: The spoken dialect of the Val Müstair, which has no
written standard.

   4. Intended meaning of the subtag:

        The spoken dialect of the Val Müstair in Graubünden, Switzerland.

   5. Reference to published description
      of the language (book or article):
   6. Any other relevant information:

        The dialect of the Val Müstair does not have a standardised
written form. Even though the dialects of Romansh spoken there
exhibits some differences from the dialect of the Lower Engadine, it
was the Vallader written standard, derived from (sub)dialects of the
Lower Engadine, that was traditionally used in the Val Müstair, and
that was taught in schools there.

        Recently, the Rumantsch Grischun supraregional standard has
started to be used in schools in Val Müstair. They were among the
first school districts to make use of Rumantsch Grischun in their
instruction; perhaps because the inhabitants were already accustomed
to making use of a written standard that did not correspond as well to
their spoken dialects.

        The subtag "jauer" is perhaps most useful to represent spoken
Jauer, since Jauer is not often written. However, it may also
represent written Jauer (which typically uses an _ad hoc_ orthography:
every speaker writes as he thinks fit).

        Texts written by Jauer speakers in a written standard are
better tagged with the appropriate subtags, such as rm-vallader for
the Vallader standard traditionally used in the Val Müstair or
rm-rumgr for the Rumantsch Grischun supraregional written standard.


Philip Newton <philip.newton at>

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