Language Variant subtags for Sanskrit

Michael Everson everson at
Fri Jul 16 09:24:28 CEST 2010

On 16 Jul 2010, at 04:45, Peter Constable wrote:

> In all such cases, I would start by asking whether these qualify for coding as individual, historic languages in ISO 639-3 before suggesting that they be coded using a variant subtag for "classical" varieties.

In this case, then, I should reject all four of these requests (without prejudice) and encourage Peter Scharf to make an application to ISO 639 for their consideration first. Only if they fail to be accepted would subtags need to be assigned.

Peter Constable, may I ask you to help shepherd Peter Scharf through that process? You are more familiar with it than I am. 

Thank you. 

Michael Everson *

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