suppress-script values for macrolanguage-encompassed languages

Peter Constable petercon at
Tue Dec 21 01:19:32 CET 2010

Yiddish Sign Language is encompassed by the Yiddish macrolanguage. (It's probably not even related in any way except that the deaf speakers of YSL have typically live within spoken Yiddish communities.)


From: ietf-languages-bounces at [mailto:ietf-languages-bounces at] On Behalf Of CE Whitehead
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 12:54 PM
To: ietf-languages at
Subject: suppress-script values for macrolanguage-encompassed languages

Peter Constable petercon at
Sat Dec 11 21:26:08 CET 2010

> I've been occupied with other things for the past month or so, but I'd like to resume this topic. I've looked at cases involving macrolanguages with Suppress-Script values; here are my findings.
Sorry I too have been "ooccupied" and still have to go through all of these but I've given a little thought at least to Arabic and Yiddish (thanks Doug for his notes of caution here).
Regarding Arabic, see:
for a variety of Moroccan Arabic that should not have suppress-script as Arabic according to ethnologue.
(I do also believe that sometimes Egyptian Arabic is written in Latin script but that may in fact be changing I don't know I would need to hear from a native speaker.)
For the Yiddish I suppose you all will be o.k. with ethnologue so long as you do not give the sign languages suppress-script of Hebrew; I don't know many Yiddish words or much about Yiddish writing however; thus either let's go with ethnologue and make these suppress-script or else let's hear from those who know more about it.  (I did google one resource on the history however that suggests that any historical variety will perhaps also meet Doug's criteria for a suppress-script since apparently few people read Latin script well; if you need the resource here it is: )

> The following are macrolanguages that have Suppress-Script fields in their LSTR records (sorted first by script):

> ar    Arabic                   Arab
No not a blanket suppress-script; some varieties should not have suppress-script.
> . . .
> yi    Yiddish                  Hebr
Watch out for sign languages; that's it.

> . . .
--C. E. Whitehead
cewcathar at<mailto:cewcathar at>
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